LRS/Prairieland Disposal Spring Clean-up Day - May 7, 2024

Once annually, LRS will collect unlimited amounts of the following items.  The selected date this year is Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.

  • Furniture weighing less than 50 pounds
  • Lawn and garden items (does not include yard waste or brush)
  • Plumbing fixtures
  • Small motor vehicle parts and lawn equipment drained of oil and gasoline
  • Bundled construction debris which does not exceed one (1) cubic yard and weighing less than 50 pounds
  • Items similar to those listed above that are typically stored in basements or garages
  • Whit goods
  • NO tires, chemicals, wet paint or propane bottles

If you have any questions, please call LRS - Prairieland Disposal directly at 847- 381-9300.