Village Police Department

The Non Emergency number for the Village of Hebron Police Department is

 815-648-2351.  For Emergency Service please call 911.

Chief of Police,  Peter Goldman, please call 815-355-7792

For the Police Department and the administration (such as tips, complaints, general requests regarding community events), please email

For Police FOIA requests, please email

For Police records, please email

House Watch Request - Sign Up Link     NOTICE!  This link is not yet active!  Please call the Village of Hebron Police Department at 815-355-7792 to request a House Watch.  

Lead by Example

Distracted driving is more dangerous then ever before. Drivers must be aware of pedestrian and bicycle traffic especially when children are present. Lead by example when driving on village streets. Drive the speed limit and only use your cell phone if you are hands free.

Parking Tickets

The E-Pay system allows you to easily and quickly pay your tickets online. You can also mail payments to: Village of Hebron, P. O. BOX 112 Hebron, Il 60034 or deposit payments in drop box in front of the Village Hall.

Hebron Illinois Police Vehicle

Safety Tips

Online Shopping

It’s wise to do some research on a website before you purchase something and hand over your credit card information.

  • Log on to the company website yourself – do not enter through an emailed link.
  • Check the Better Business Bureau to see if they have had any complaints about the company.
  • Look for a padlock icon in the upper right corner of any page asking for your credit card information to indicate it is secure.

Retail Shopping

  • Try not to take your eyes off your debit or credit card when someone else is handling it.
  • Make sure store employees only swipe your card once.

  • Keep watch of your personal belongings at all times – don’t leave your purse unattended.
  • If you must store your purchases in your car, make sure they’re in the trunk and that your trunk opener inside your car is deactivated.
  • Again, if you must use your car to go shopping, park somewhere well lit and don’t leave valuables where they can be seen – look for a Safer Parking lot to reduce the risk of theft from auto.


  • Whether you’re a guest or a host, you need to have a plan to prevent drinking and driving. Remember that it’s not always easy to tell if someone is over the legal limit to safely drive and that time is the only thing that can sober someone up.
  • Determine who the designated drivers in your group will be or have a plan to take public transit or taxis ahead of time or Uber.

Give Us A Tip

If you prefer to remain anonymous and not leave contact information that is fine. However, please be as detailed as possible so we can follow up. Thank you very much.