Robert W. Shelton, President
815-648-2353 Ext. 14
Michael Smoron, Attorney
Mark Shepherd, Trustee
Shirlee Correll, Trustee
Josh Stevens, Trustee
Dawn Milarski, Trustee
Jonathan Mindham, Trustee
CLERK'S HOURS: Mondays 1-6 pm, Tues. - Thurs. 9am-2pm. Phone Messages will be responded to in a prompt manner.
Roxanne Johnson, Village Clerk
815-648-2353 Ext. 10
Peter Goldman, Police Chief & EM Coordinator
815-648-2353 Ext. 11 (non-emergency)
Katherine Andrus, Treasurer
815-648-2353 Ext. 12
The Building Department is responsible for issuing all building permits and enforcement of the Municipal Code. Hours: By appointment only. MAIN OFFICE PH 815-648-2352 ext.19.
Dan Streit, Residential Building Inspector
Responsible for operation of the wastewater treatment plant, maintaining the streets, reading of water meters, billing of water and sewer charges, and brush pickup. PUBLIC WORKS HOURS: 7:00 am-3:30 pm | PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE PH. 815-355-2190
Dan Nelson, Supt, Public Works
815-355-2190 (cell)
Daniel Hughes, Sewer/ Water Dept.
Water/Sewer Billing Clerk, Water/Sewer Billing Clerk
815-648-2335, Ext. 20
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