
Hydrant Flushing

The Village of Hebron Public Works Department will be performing hydrant flushing the week of April 29th through May 3rd.  If you experience any discoloration in your water, you may need to run your water a while until it clears.  Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process!

LRS/Prairieland Disposal Spring Clean-up Day - May 7, 2024

Once annually, LRS will collect unlimited amounts of the following items.  The selected date this year is Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.

  • Furniture weighing less than 50 pounds
  • Lawn and garden items (does not include yard waste or brush)
  • Plumbing fixtures
  • Small motor vehicle parts and lawn equipment drained of oil and gasoline
  • Bundled construction debris which does not exceed one (1) cubic yard and weighing less than 50 pounds
  • Items similar to those listed above that are typically stored in basements or garages
  • Whit goods
  • NO tires, chemicals, wet paint or propane bottles

If you have any questions, please call LRS - Prairieland Disposal directly at 847- 381-9300.

Clerk's Office - Temporary Hours April 17 through April 22

TEMPORARY CHANGE OF VILLAGE CLERK'S HOURS:  The Village Clerk's office will be open on Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18 from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.  The hours on Monday, April 22 will be from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  The office will be closed as usual on Friday, April 19.  The Clerk's hours will return to normal on Tuesday, April 23 opening at 9:00 a.m.


McHenry County - Lead Safe Homes Program

Follow the embedded link to learn about the McHenry County Lead Safe Homes Program.  

Benevolence Fund Request Application

The purpose of the Village of Hebron Benevolence Fund is to provide financial aid to an individual who is past due on their water/sewer bill and is in need on an urgent basis.  For more information and to locate the form to submit, please follow the embedded link.  

No Mow May 2024

No Mow May is a growing movement aimed at reducing lawn mowing during the month of May to provide a safe haven for pollinators and other wildlife.  Please see the embedded link for more information as well as a No Mow May application to participate.

Got Electronics?

Got Electronics?  Did you know you can drop certain electronics off at the Hebron Police Department?  For more information please follow the embedded link.

Pairieland Disposal Services, Inc. (LRS) E-Waste Pickup

Prairieland Disposal Services, Inc. (LRS) has scheduled their annual E-waste pickup for Tuesday, May 14th.  This includes one TV or monitor per residence.  

Village Clerk Hours

The Cleck's Office hours for the week of March 18th, 2024 are as follows: Mon. 1pm-6pm, Tues. - Thur. 5pm-7pm. 

Hebron Mayor Monarch Pledge 2024

Through the National Wildlife Federation's Mayors' Monarch Pledge cities, municipalities, and other communities across North America are committing to create healthy, sustainable habitat for the monarch butterfly and pollinators while educating residents about how they can make a difference at home and in their community.  Please follow the link embedded here to the Village of Hebron's Mayor Monarch Pledge 2024!
